Hilltop Lake June 08

Posted by on Saturday, August 9, 2008 at 7:54 am

It may not look much like June weather, but these Hilltop Lake photos are from the middle of June 08. It only rained twice that week, once for 3 days and next for 4 days.

Gary Patton took his wife, son and grandson on trip to Hilltop and found the fishing great in spite of the unseasonal weather.

“Hi Brad,
I have attached photos from our June trip. These are pictures of fish caught by my son Randy, my wife Janet and my grandson Adam.
I know, where’s mine? well I didn’t catch one like these. Maybe next year.”
Gary Patton

As Gary knows a good guide will get his folks onto fish. A great guide will let them catch fish themselves.

See you next year Gary, and thanks for the pictures.

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