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Posted by on Sunday, January 17, 2010 at 6:04 pm

Karen and I have just finished the Chicago All Canada Sport Show.   I have to admit, it has not been this much fun doing a show for years.  I think folks are a little more optimistic regarding vacations. Lot’s of great visits with guests, new guests and tire kickers.  We managed to book several groups. Many key dates are disappearing quickly.  

If you are looking for a top Canadian vacation this year stop by one of the upcoming shows and we’ll help you set things up.  See previous posts for show dates and locations. 


In Chicago we had our daughter Jo with us so I hope that wasn’t the reason for all the interest.  She has headed back to Ignace so Karen and I are now on our own.


Shows 2010

Look for this booth at the show.  Ignace Outposts