People are so stressed out and overworked these days. They know they should be taking time off for vacations, yet keep coming up with excuses not to getaway.
Check out this article on enjoying a wireless vacation away from the tether of laptops, blackberries, and cell phones.
A vacation Challenge to Ad People: Unwire!
I especially like these suggestions:
“Head to a destination where connectivity is not even an option (sacre bleu!).”
“Don’t bring any wireless devices with you — for any reason.”
Of course your vacation will be enjoyed even more if you are at an Ignace Outposts Camp. Our camps are cellphone and laptop free zones. No wireless here. Take that little break and get away from the tethers of the instant information world.
It is sad, we hear all the time from guests who tell us this is their first vacation in “x” number of years because they are too busy at work.
Life is to be enjoyed. When you sit and daydream, I doubt you dream of more work that needs to be done. Instead if you are like me, you think of fun times in your life like your next Ignace Outpost vacation.