Called him out

Posted by on Tuesday, October 4, 2011 at 8:03 am

Bulwinkle 038

Don called out this nice bull on Seseganaga Lake and was able to take him with his crossbow at less than 20 yards within 1 km of camp. 

“Hi Brad and Karen,
Thanks for making my Dad’s trip such a success.  It’s a wonderful thing to see him bag such a wonderful trophy and have such a great time.  I wish I had been there with him, but it was nice to be able to get a clear picture of the story having been there last year. 
Thanks again.  Hope to see you again on a future trip.”

“Brad and Karen:

Thanks again for allowing us to have a great hunting experience on Ses. As, usual you two and Randy provided great service.Attached are a couple of pics of the moose.  I have others… if you want more.   I’ll let you know about next fall as soon as all the boys let me in on their availability and interests.”


Archery hunting for moose is a hunter’s dream. We offer archery moose hunts in some of the finest moose areas in the province.  Hunts book quickly so if you are interested in 2012, contact us soon.