As of Feb 27, 2012 our Federal Government has a new policy regarding allowing non residents with a history of a minor criminality offense to be allowed into Canada as a Temporary Resident (TRP) without a fee. Once!
Here is the info on the government website. Operational Bulletin 389
Even though I consider myself at least average in reading comprehension and other natural cognitive functions, I am not fully sure what all this means. It sounds like good news but details are still forth coming. In any case, it seems that someone with a minor criminality record can visit Canada to fish with Ignace Outposts (or another outfitter of lesser quality if they so choose) but there are still constraints.
Typically, there is a paragraph at the bottom of the bulletin that says: “For further information or questions regarding the changes outlined in this OB, please contact Operational Management and Coordination at [email protected].” So I suggest if more info is needed, send them an email with your inquiry to find some answers.