Long time

Posted by on Friday, June 3, 2011 at 5:01 am

For those who wonder why getting certain dates booked, even a year in advance, at our camps is not possible, here is the reason:

The other day one of our long time guests returned from Metionga Lake.  Frank and I chatted a bit about his trips to Canada and I found he made his first Canada fishing trip in 1958.  Since I have been told that is the year I made my appearance, I reckon he is a long timer. 

I know Frank has been up to Ignace Outposts from the Chicago area every year since I’ve been here – 26 this year – and although he can’t remember if he started in Ignace in the early or mid 60’s, he is likely our longest time guest.  He was able to describe most of those trips with a big grin on his face, but it absolutely beamed when talking about the latest few with his boys. He was up again this year with his 4 sons and some close friends. 

Frank booked his 2012 trip – same date – same Metionga Lake cabin before he left the yard. 

Many of our “regulars” predate our 26 years in Ignace.  Some of our “regulars” are on their 2nd or 3rd trip but one thing is for sure, an Ignace Outposts fishing trip can be habit forming.