More Seseganaga Tails (Tales)

Posted by on Thursday, June 19, 2008 at 7:59 am

Rose Schulte on her first trip to Seseganga with her husband Ted and two other couples shows off a nice walleye. She also lays claim to the biggest walleye (28 inches) of the group during this trip.

Not to be out done, Ted poses with an eater of his own.

Dave Mooney caught and released a large northern on the same trip. Being a first time fisherman with us Dave was a little unaware of requirement to have a picture as proof of his expertise. “A picture is worth a thousand words.” I have neither the time nor the inclination to write the thousand or so words needed to accurately represent his fish. He did however describe the fish to me and below is an artist’s best rendition of his trophy as he described it.

It is interesting that as much as we are troubled over the colder than normal weather, the Schulte crew from “Hotlanta” Georgia were so enthralled with our cooler weather that they wanted to bottle some and take it home. I guess it is all a matter of perspective.

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