We just returned to Ignace from our first swing of sport shows. We spent 3 days doing a show in Minneapolis and then 4 days doing a show near Chicago. We left Chicago just ahead of a forecast blizzard on Monday and drove all the way through to Ignace. 770 miles in 13 hours and 8 minutes. Roads were good.
The show turn outs were actually very encouraging, with good numbers of serious outdoors men on several days. Of course being in Minneapolis when the Vikings make one of their rare playoff appearances made last Sunday a very slow day at the show.
In Ignace this morning we were greeted with -36C as an air temperature. It is still winter around our parts. We won’t be venturing far these next few days.
Next week we are off to Milwaukee, Madison and Green Bay so if you are in those areas, feel free to stop by at a show and get your 2009 fly in fishing trip with Ignace Outposts trip lined up.