Seaplane Safety

Posted by on Thursday, June 2, 2011 at 9:15 am

A large part of our business involves safe transportation of our guests to and from remote lakes on our fleet of seaplanes.

Our aircraft are proven and reliable, maintained in excess of Transport Canada standards.    Our flight crew are experienced and commercially licenced professionals whose primary goal is your safety and comfort.  Randy our chief pilot ensures our crews are well trained and qualified.  Randy is one of the most experienced float plane pilots in the country with over 35 years flying these aircraft (23 years with our company alone).

Ignace Outposts (3)

We do wait for bad weather choosing to be safe rather than take chances.  We appreciate our guests and passengers understanding that delays are for their safety and even though may seem inconvenient, the decisions are made carefully and properly. 

As a preparation to a seaplane flight I encourage all our readers and guests to check out the following link regarding Transport Canada’s seaplane safety information.  

A passenger’s guide to seaplane/floatplane safety