Here is a list of our sport shows for 2011.
If there is a sport show in your area, we would be pleased to have you stop by. While we are on the show circuit, you can contact us by leaving a voice mail on our office number and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can (usually within a day). Or you can email us. We will retrieve emails regularly and will get back to you via email if you prefer. Our phone and email address is on our website.
Please check the show websites for hours and other details.
St. Louis, MO
January 7-9, 2011 (Fri–Sun.)
St. Charles Convention Center
Indianapolis, IN
January 10-12, 2011 (Mon. – Wed.)
Ritz Charles Carmel
Chicago, IL
January 13-16, 2011 (Thurs. – Sun.)
Pheasant Run Mega Center
Milwaukee, WI
January 20-23, 2011 (Thurs. – Sun.)
Milwaukee County Sports Complex
Madison, WI
January 24-26, 2011 (Mon. – Wed.)
Marriott Madison West
Chicago, IL
January 26-30, 2011 (Wed. – Sun)
Stephens Convention Center
Minneapolis MN
Mar 30 – Apr 3, 2011 (Wed. – Sun)
Minneapolis Convention Center