Start thinking 2013

Posted by on Monday, July 2, 2012 at 6:23 am

It is hard to believe how fast the calendar pages turn.  We are almost through June and in spite of high water and lots of rain, fishing has been great.  We’ve had a few slow days but that is why we sell fishing and not catching trips.
Many of our 2012 guests have rebooked for 2013.  We are getting requests for 2013 regularly now and filling some of the few dates left for next spring. 
If you haven’t been up to Ignace Outposts for a while and are thinking about making more memories with your friends and family, get in touch with us.  We won’t book more than 11 months in advance because our repeat is so high and we do give current guests first right of refusal on their week, but sometimes we have dates available.  
We are happy to help you plan your 2013 trip anytime now.