According to the dictionary a “vacation” is “a period of suspension of work, study, or other activity, usually used for rest, recreation, or travel”. Take note of the suspension of work part.
We live in world of connectivity. We some how feel we must be in touch. With what? Stress is built upon feeling important enough that we can’t be missed. Without a doubt there are folks who have important positions, I may even be one of them. I am probably as guilty as anyone in finding excuses not to take a break.
Here is an article about how to manage work while on vacation.
A Vacation Challenge…
Read this article and take special note of her suggestion #5. We offer not only some of the best fishing in Canada, a wilderness experience, natural wildlife and a little”piece and quite”, but also a destination where connectivity is not even an option.
Why not suspend work a little and manage a great fishing trip at the same time. When you sit and day dream, do you really think about more work to do or do you escape into a world of doing what you want to do… like catching and releasing that lunker northern, frying up some feisty walleye, battling a football sized smallie?
I know what I dream about and it isn’t more work.
Contact us today about you 2009 Ignace Outposts adventure.