“This was the best year…”

Posted by on Friday, July 6, 2012 at 6:00 am

Brad and Karen:

“This was the best year as to quality and quantity.

I got a 28 and 27 inch walleye with many over 24…the northern went from my largest at 40 ½ with 38s, 35s,34s and so on…thanks for your hospitality.”


28 inch walleye 3 

Leigh and his crew from Indiana have been fishing with us as long as anyone.  They were regular guests when Karen and I arrived in Ignace almost 27 hears ago.  They have not missed a year in our tenure.  For Leigh to write that this year at Flindt Lake was “the best year” is saying a lot.

40 inch Northern 2

This year they had a lot of rain and some very high waters to deal with, but as usual, they rebooked for 2013.  If you are thinking of a 2013 fishing trip, get in touch with us and we will “get you set up”.