For those who think an Ignace Outposts trip is nothing more than fishing.
The Holzer family from Wisconsin have vacationed with us for many years. This fall, after their August family trip, Amy, their 10 year old daughter (5th grade) wrote the following piece for a school project on descriptive writing about her favorite place.
It is interesting to see Metionga Lake through the eyes of a child. As adults we sometimes take such things for granted.
A Beautiful Night on Lake Metionga
“The boat slices through the glass-calm waters of Lake Metionga. The Canadian sun turned the cool lake water to a peach color. I see a beaver building its lodge out of old birch logs, and a beautiful loon calls in the far distance. I want to check out the woods, so I tell my mom to take me onto the rocky shore.
As I get out of the boat, I notice how the sun casts a golden light through the trees the color of glowing embers on a fire. I could smell the fresh pine and I can taste the fresh air. I walk slowly and quietly, not wanting to shatter the peaceful silence. Or was it anything but silence? With no cars running, no people shouting, I heard sounds I never knew existed. For a moment I was petrified, but then I noticed some storm clouds to the west, so we left the quiet island and headed home.
At night I went out to look at the bright stars. There were millions of them, and they sparkle like diamonds. I saw all kinds of constellations. Then, to the north, I saw the famous and beautiful Northern Lights. It was a spectacular array of brilliant violet, flaming red, and enchanting green. It took my breath away. Now I understand why someone once said, “No paintbrush and can paint it, no pencil can draw it and no words can describe it.” I thought it couldn’t be any more amazing than that, but then a majestic eagle soared gracefully through the sky. Life can’t get any better than this!”
Amy in the middle with her mom and brother
As I’ve said before, this sure beats Disney world!