Two days to opener!

Posted by on Thursday, May 17, 2012 at 2:04 pm

As opening weekend creeps closer, we have things ready and  have our minds set around another season.  Besides being a premier fishing and hunting destination, we also specialize in aerial sightseeing in vintage Canadian Aircraft.  Within a few minutes’ flight we have the historic White Otter Castle.  Also the wilderness many don’t have access to is just a take off away.  This morning we had a group from Korea take our sightseeing trip around Ignace.  What we take for granted (wilderness, forest, remoteness) is not available in may places of our world.


These fellows are doing a documentary film about a local Korean war veteran and his life in the Ignace area before and after that conflict.  Even without translation, it was easy to comprehend how the guys were impressed with Ontario’s nature and beauty.