Winter Job

Posted by on Tuesday, February 2, 2010 at 11:05 am

Last week some one said to me “What a job you have, fish and fly in the summer and take take winter off.”

Let me set the record straight.  Last night Karen and I returned from our first run of sport shows.  We left home on Jan 11.  Over the course of the last 21 days we drove over 3700 kilometers (2300 miles),  rode almost 43 hours in the vehicle, spent 18 days doing shows in 4 cities often driving between shows the same day shows started or ended.  We stayed in 7 different hotels, ate in countless restaurants, had to wash our clothes in hotel laundries, and tried to keep up on phone messages and emails. Somehow we still found time to visit with colleagues and guests along the way.

Our personal life still goes on so we skyped and emailed with parents, kids and grandkids, and worked on responsibilities for various committees and commitments aside of work.  Today we open 3 weeks worth of mail, catch up on office matters, start our year end, do more laundry and play with the dog.  On Thursday, at day break, I am back on the road for another sport show.

Don’t get me wrong, I am not complaining, I wouldn’t trade my job for anything.  A wise man once said, “If you enjoy what you do, you’ll never work a day in your life.”
