Looking back

Posted by on Thursday, June 25, 2015 at 9:56 am

We were doing some reminiscing with members of former owner Donald Jorgenson who were here to celebrate his life and times in Ignace. Don passed away February 22, 2015 just two months after his brother, Gerald who started the Ignace Airways in the late 50’s and sold it to Don in 1972. Don and his son, Don Jr, ran it for about 7 years before selling to Bob Dowhy. Our camp attendant, Joe at Seseganaga is Don Sr’s nephew and worked as a mechanic for Ignace Airways back then. He also helped with construction of the original cabins at Seseganaga.

Don’s grandson, Brad Jorgenson, was kind enough to share a photo of the Airways from his childhood days at the base.

Ignace Airways circa 1975

Here’s a shot from about the same spot 40 years later.

20150623-0041-2The only buildings still standing from that time are not in either picture. The hanger and office both had additions built but remain otherwise the same. The breakwall and docks also remain.

