More experience

Posted by on Friday, August 17, 2012 at 6:46 am

Many of our guests know Joe at Ses as a congenial guy with the best job in the world.  In fact at least weekly, someone returning from Seseganaga Lake is volunteering for his job. 

What many don’t know is that Joe started his career working on bush planes in 1974 with Ignace Airways as an Aircraft Maintenance Engineer (AME).  He moved more.

Forest Renewal

Posted by on Saturday, August 4, 2012 at 6:42 am

We’ve had a forest fire burning on Flindt Lake since July 12.  The government is “observing” it rather than “actioning” it.  Since the fire was started naturally by lightening and is in the Wabikimi Park, the response is to let it take its course unless it threatens life or property.  So far it has stayed away from our cabin.  Fire is nature’s more.

Summer walleye

Posted by on Tuesday, July 31, 2012 at 10:47 am

Many folks think walleye fishing isn’t good in July.  I know a few who would disagree.  Steve and his group have been coming to Seseganaga lake every July -mid July – for many years. 

Walleye fishing is consistent in these cold waters all summer.  In my opinion, fishing in nice weather beats fishing in lousy weather.  July is usually very stable more.

Walleye for lunch

Posted by on Friday, July 20, 2012 at 7:11 am


A northern pike invites a walleye for lunch. 

This happens so often around here that I have no sympathy for someone who has his rod yanked out of his hands when he is not paying attention to the task at hand.  I’ll admit catching a hundred or so walleye in a day can cause you to let more.

For future generations

Posted by on Thursday, July 19, 2012 at 6:12 am


You never know what you might see if you pay attention while fishing in our area.  We certainly were not the first folks on these lakes.  This pictograph is several centuries old.  I am not sure if it is a moose or caribou, but it does tell us that others before us lived here off the land.  They more.