safe fishing

Posted by on Wednesday, June 20, 2012 at 7:08 am

IMG_0755 - 2012-06-07 at 03-06-57

Catching walleye at Ignace Outposts is definitely a highlight.  Being safe while doing that is smart.  The law does not require the wearing of a life jacket but it is good practise to actually wear the device.  The law does require that every person on board a board has a life jacket or life preserver that fits and is accessible. more.

Seseganaga Lake monster

Posted by on Tuesday, June 19, 2012 at 7:16 am

Last week the big northerns turned on in Seseganaga Lake

giant northern  on Ses 2012

Tom landed this 50 incher and put it back into the lake. I can’t get over the size of the fish’s head.  I herby resolve to no longer skinny dip in Seseganaga Lake.

If you haven’t booked your 2012 fishing vacation yet, now is a good time. more.

The cure

Posted by on Sunday, June 17, 2012 at 7:07 am



It doesn’t take long to get the first behind you on Metionga Lake .  Getting the first walleye and the first northern pike notched on the rod relieves the symptoms of a long winter.  I suspect that at least one of the several physicians in this group could write this prescription. 

What would the ailment treated by more.

High Water

Posted by on Friday, June 15, 2012 at 6:54 am

We are struggling again with high water on the lakes.  Seems only a short while ago I was lamenting the low water situation.  Things can change around here quickly. 


I suppose a dock under water isn’t all bad considering where it is.  Being at an Ignace Outposts camp certainly beats sitting in an office thinking about fishing. 

My more.

Healthy Lake

Posted by on Wednesday, June 13, 2012 at 7:47 am

Not every fish is a monster.  It takes small fish to ensure a stable population for the future.  To have a variety of age classes (sizes) indicates the lake is healthy.


This little guy was released and if his luck holds out, in about 6 years he will be an average sized walleye in the 20 inch more.

Another anthropomorphism

Posted by on Thursday, June 7, 2012 at 6:40 am

If I don’t get some fishing photos soon from our guests, I’ll run out of these little gems.  Yesterday I posted the intro-duck-tory flight.  That was an anthropomorphism.  Here is another. hawk-1004 hawk-1008 I wonder, did this hawk get his fishing licence on line or did he visit a licence issuer?  I have posted before that fishing licences are now available on more.