So Long Poke

Posted by on Wednesday, August 31, 2011 at 3:02 pm

One of our long time customers and friends from Wisconsin never missed a chance to go fishing. Randy picked up his crew last Friday after a week of fishing and sadly Poke passed away on Sunday morning the day after he returned home. Poke had already been up this summer before this last trip. When he left on Friday he more.

Different strokes…

Posted by on Wednesday, August 24, 2011 at 6:00 am


Some guys take the hard work of fishing seriously and others don’t.  If you are on vacation, Ignace Outposts makes a fine destination to just do what ever you want. 

Bobby sometimes finds the busy life of a Chicago suburb a little stressing and will make more than one trip each summer to enjoy an Ignace Outposts camp.  Since more.

Worthy of a photo

Posted by on Monday, August 22, 2011 at 6:00 am


Roger M from Illinois can catch fish.  No doubt this walleye is a beauty and we are pleased it went back into the lake.  The only thing Roger needs to work on now is instructions on how to use his camera. 

Or maybe, it was planned that way and his wife thinks he was in Vegas last more.

We’ve come a long way

Posted by on Wednesday, August 17, 2011 at 9:04 am

It was 26 years ago this week that Karen and I began our adventure in Ignace.  We were young, full of energy (what’s that) and so green that we actually thought this outpost thing was a good idea.  It was a tremendous amount of work but still a good idea.

As we begin our 27th year we couldn’t imagine a more.