4 Seasons in 4 days
Opening weekend is always an adventure! For the first time I have a guest blogger to give a first hand account of “life in the great white north”. And for those in that one big country in the world which does not use the metric system – 80 to 100 mm of rain is about 3 to 4 inches.
4 ...read more.Walleye Opener 2015
Walleye season is open and what better way to celibrate than fresh “walleye bite” appies.
The best way to eat walleye are to eat them fresh. These nuggets were swimming mear moments before being called for supper.
...read more.a tip
Some week long vacations last a lifetime
“My best vacation/fishing trip ever!”
A quote we hear frequently at Ignace Outposts. Gather your friends and family. Step aboard one of our aircraft and fly to our fully equipped outposts. You add the excitement, anticipation, comradery and fishing expertise. Nature adds the beauty, great fishing, pristine lakes etc… which adds up to an easy understanding how Ignace Outposts is ...read more.
Desktop calendar January 2015
Water in all three states (liquid, vapour and solid) at the same time and place make for spectacular scenes. Perhaps you’d like to enjoy this one on your desktop this month.
You can read more about this image and select from different screen resolutions at imagesofmybackyard.com
...read more.2014 Newsletter has been posted
We have posted our 2014 newsletter and year end recap. You will find it here . As many of you who read this blog imagine, I never seem short of words. It has been tough this last year to motivate myself to write this blog, but now that the season is well over, I will make an honest attempt to be ...read more.